Friday 18 May 2012

Artist as Hero

I will not cease from mental fight


Bring me my bow of burning gold
Bring me my arrows of desire
Bring me my spear: oh clouds unfold
Bring me my chariot of fire.


Thursday 17 May 2012

Hill Bill x Ben Billy

Hill Bill x Ben Billy
Chamba 11.4.81
One of the chaps that i went through the art college experience with was Richard Butler,
who later went on to front a band called the Psychdelic Furs.
During our last year at college, from time to time we returned to the topic of what part of the world we may end up in during our oncoming formative years.

It took me six or seven years to finally end up in India.
On this occasion we were sat in a shanty town restaurant in Chamba
- a meeting of the ways.
All the drovers pass through on their way to higher grazing grounds.
It's a bit of a frontier town, or was anyway.
We were treating ourselves to a meat curry.
We had met up with a couple of blokes who had spent the winter up in the mountains.
One of them had brought a compendium cassette of relatively recent rock tunes
and put it on the rare cassette player that the establishment possessed.
I cant remember the exact words but it came as quite a chilling surprise
when the Furs filled the mud floor with
"hello India, this is America"

Link to Wooden Om Page

Sunday 13 May 2012

Just Daydreams, Tom

Riding with the wind, floating in the breeze.
Only, just daydreams.
Only, lots of them.

Little Wing

You enthusiastically commented that my work seemed to be on a roll in face book a week or two ago. In some respects, it is.
Since last autumn, I have had idea upon idea, one after the other, they don't stop.
The problem is that the only ones that seem to be successful are the ones that stay with me.
As soon as I try to involve other people they seem to take off for a short while and then slowly, but surely, the wheels fall off.

I cant help but think (in some instances) I may be scaring people off. I mean, how scared are people going to be about getting their programme hacked into in a powerfully maverick way?
In particular:
There has been a "peoples" art gallery/set up in which a colleague and I were aiming to set up a particularly large art show in September which has slowly fizzled out due to their lack of commitment. They either don't want us, or are incredibly inefficient.
There is an outdoor project in which I have expressed interest since it first got started last September and whilst being very friendly haven't been able to fit me into their scheme of things. Although I do find familiar faces cropping up here and there - jobs for the boys as it were.
There was the large billboard project, last autumn, that was set up by someone I have worked with on large things previously.
I actually helped to set up this thing "E.C.Arts" as a viable thing in its early days. I was encouraged to go for the projected which involved covering billboards all over Birmingham and spent weeks putting proposals together for three billboards, all of which were rejected by the "committee".
I have since learnt that others have been granted billboards who hadn't even initially applied and some even knew that they had the commission before the thing was announced anyway.
And last, but not least, I was working on my own pub sign extravaganza which was quite forcefully knocked into the long grass following a very significant change in the position of the goal posts.

Fuck me again, I'm a poet!

My main problem, is probably its time to go public again.
And I seem to be failing on finding suitable venues.
There seem to be be far too many curators and organisers around, maybe people who feel they have more to offer than the actual artists themselves, seeing as they have organised the actual event.
They actually do M A courses to learn how to go about it in a text-book kind of way.

The underling currant at the moment, the hip way of approaching your art work is: just get on with it - don't think about why you are doing it. Work that out after you have completed it.
This has been one way I have approached my work all my life. One way, not the only way.

I look around and I see places and empty spaces and I think "I could be there"
Maybe its time to create my own bulldozer to jump aboard and plough forward with my own art quiver and maybe invite my own friends to come along.

Friday 4 May 2012

Man x his Man

The phenomenon of Man and his Man

A couple of rocks in space

From the Perranporth side.
I never really fathomed out what the title was about from St Agnes as the rocks near enough merged into one.

Part of our fortnight stay in Little Orchard Village (again)
I believe we are becoming a pair of those sad people that seem to return to the same spot, year in, year out.
I had a bunch of notes that I was going to add to this picture but the the car got broken into by the dunes whilst we were out dog walking and the bag that I had stupidly left on the front was swiped as they smashed the front window. I will never leave anything that seems to be valuable in view in a car again - honest.
Anyway it was nice to do a group of small pictures apropos of nothing, without any ulterior motives.

A little red number.



My photo
In this brace of blogs, I am trying to sum up the artistic goals I am aiming for. Maybe, more for myself rather than other people although I would like others to read it. I intend to use the sites as places to which I invite people, I dont expecr an immediate rash of people keen to pore over my life. I see it as a kind of glorified C.V. that will probably never get finished.