Thursday 26 July 2012


At the end of last year, I designed a card.
I never got round to getting it printed for various reasons.
The fact that I'm going to Cardiff to Alice's large wedding tomorrow prompted me to remember it.
I think I have improved it a bit, although it will be a two sided affair and exist in a polythene sheet as it wont be waterproof.

Good luck for the future Alice and Chris

Wednesday 25 July 2012

A boy and his bull

The latest addition to the Wooden Om blog.
Originally drawn in April 81 in the form of three studies then made into an etching in Folkestone a couple of years later.
A boy accompanied me on a couple of visits to a favourite Siva temple of mine and wrote his name on that particular drawing for me.
We met again high up in the mountains where he had help herd his families sheep up to summer pastures.

Saturday 7 July 2012

The Wooden Om


It's one of those years where I haven't seemed to be able to get anything much to happen so I found solace in going back and seem to have come out with something after all. All the baby boomer bands seem to be re-mixing their old stuff, so why not me!?
This new blog site started off as another page on my "Loons Encyclopaedia. Something to be covered as a large project but has in fact turned into something in its own rite. I am adjusting certain parts of the original script, but by and large am trying to portray how I felt as it happened - even if I got it wrong at the time. Every time I add more stuff to the Wooden Om page itself I plan to also put it out as a post and link that to other sites.

When I originally wrote it during my initial "time out" in India, I wanted to make a mad account diary that was readable as oppose to garbled. i hit on the idea of sending my anecdotes as e-mails to my friends, thereby ensuring that I was trying to convey something to other people instead of writing notes just to myself. I wanted to put raw, immediate reactions to my daily existence. Maybe I thought I was doing something unique and important. Whatever that initial trip to India with Anne was very possibly the most influential thing I've done in my life.



My photo
In this brace of blogs, I am trying to sum up the artistic goals I am aiming for. Maybe, more for myself rather than other people although I would like others to read it. I intend to use the sites as places to which I invite people, I dont expecr an immediate rash of people keen to pore over my life. I see it as a kind of glorified C.V. that will probably never get finished.