Saturday 7 July 2012

The Wooden Om


It's one of those years where I haven't seemed to be able to get anything much to happen so I found solace in going back and seem to have come out with something after all. All the baby boomer bands seem to be re-mixing their old stuff, so why not me!?
This new blog site started off as another page on my "Loons Encyclopaedia. Something to be covered as a large project but has in fact turned into something in its own rite. I am adjusting certain parts of the original script, but by and large am trying to portray how I felt as it happened - even if I got it wrong at the time. Every time I add more stuff to the Wooden Om page itself I plan to also put it out as a post and link that to other sites.

When I originally wrote it during my initial "time out" in India, I wanted to make a mad account diary that was readable as oppose to garbled. i hit on the idea of sending my anecdotes as e-mails to my friends, thereby ensuring that I was trying to convey something to other people instead of writing notes just to myself. I wanted to put raw, immediate reactions to my daily existence. Maybe I thought I was doing something unique and important. Whatever that initial trip to India with Anne was very possibly the most influential thing I've done in my life.

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Please feel free to say whatever you feel.
I would be more than happy if your comment turns into a longer statement than mine.
I feel it adds to the body of work and as yet you are one of a small nuber of people who read this anyway!



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In this brace of blogs, I am trying to sum up the artistic goals I am aiming for. Maybe, more for myself rather than other people although I would like others to read it. I intend to use the sites as places to which I invite people, I dont expecr an immediate rash of people keen to pore over my life. I see it as a kind of glorified C.V. that will probably never get finished.