Monday 29 August 2011

No Specific Gig

What am I up to?

I'm always up to something.
I always have a handful of things on in all my working area:
I like to set it up so there is always something I can take on, whatever the surrounding situation, or whatever problems may crop up to stop me in my tracks.

I am not one of these people who needs specific financial, public motivations to produce.
I don't stop when there is no specific "gig" on.
I don't particularly look back over my career at 60, thinking "I haven't been recognised and successful, I'm glad I have managed to carry on throughout my life doing this, having not fallen by the wayside on failing to succeed with some opportunity that wasn't there. Or to realise one day that it was only opportunities that I was after anyway.

Sunday 28 August 2011

Brought Over

This comprises of two posts brought over from "Loons" (23-8-11), the machine had inadvertently flipped the two sites over on my dashboard and I simply filled in the post on top as per normal. At present I simply want that to be the site that carries the current thought pattern and life history type of stuff, with he other one handling the details, concentrating on more specific and varied matters.

20 Strong Master Class

I don't think there is necessarily safety in numbers,
Especially if the numbers contain the same personage factors.
The outcome is likely to be a scramble towards the top where there is more light - climbing over bodies that get in the way, oblivious to their discomfort in order to succeed.

An image of ability dumped by the wayside, maybe because it wasn't great yet or maybe because it didn't have the killer instinct currently belonging to the English cricket team.
Totally surrounded by self doubt.

The other side of the coin is "The Ability"
Whilst still  possessing the same relative skill, being part of a comparatively small number of hopefuls who are in the position where they know they can actually progress by working together, building each other up as a team to come out with a complete unified entity.

A slower line toward perfection, but a surer safer one, with less damage on the way.

Possibly piano could be the strongest instrument, but does this necessarily mean you have to it it as your "guiding light"? to be ripped apart by the 5000 brilliant pianists already performing in this country? - When you can shine, learn and impress from just as valid a standpoint as a percussionist.

If you push piano into second place, it wont go away, there is always an instrument there to relax with, work out ideas on, perform with or even make money from.
I mean, how many accomplished xylophone players are there in this country?

I have been saying this since Aydin started to do orchestral percussion at the start of his secondary education.
In fact it was my instigation that put him on that path.
I write this (and time it) now as I feel he is just about to walk into a "big choice" scenario.

That Little Old M.A.

Colin, great to see you are or have done an M.A.
I did a part time one in B'ham exactly ten years ago, I loved it, although it did have a few hairy moments.
It was a real chance to shake the tree as it were, it freed me of a couple of inhibitions as it were - like mixing different media and stuff.
Having spent a lot of time abroad previously I was completely unaware of anything that was going down in the art world. Also my dip AD was nothing like the format that the BA was built around.

I was actually invigilating the show when they bombed the twin towers, it was surreal to put it mildly, almost as if that was a piece of work presented for the show.

Anyway, how come youve got pictures up of work for your MA now when it is due to be held in September. They do look like youve had fun doing the course, I do believe we have to keep at least a slightly humorous slant on life art and the whole meaning of existance.
When is the opening? we may just about be able to make it over to see it

Wednesday 17 August 2011

The Danger of too many Ideas

Further ideas about the possibilities of billboards.
Its run down a bit but I was in danger of having too many ideas where may it would be safe just to stick with the original two that I started with.
But I don't feel I am more than able to make four pieces by next May even more if I were physically painting one, physically building one and making the others digitally.
There is nothing to stop me adding further ideas as a kind of footnote to the Billboard page on this blog anyway.

I am quite open minded about any particular mural is produced, (as long as I can achieve it in the time allocated). I would be happy with producing it digitally or painted on panels. I would be quite comfortable fitting in with what else is happening on the project. For instance maybe every body else is producing their stuff digitally and it would be nice to employ a different means of production, or there could be other work that is hand painted and similar to my own which would work together. I am quite willing to produce them in the form most suited to the layout of the project, I see myself as being part of a general whole as oppose to a grand master strutting in and showing off his wares in the best possible venue.

Construction note:
If painted on 8ft x 4ft panels the panels could be arranged in a jigsaw type pattern so that no edge actually went all the way from top to bottom or side to side.
In my view there are three different possible layouts.

Another reason for awarding the job to me:
Ive been hovering on the outskirts of the art world for a long time.
I feel that during my stint, Ive made a reasonable contribution to events, programmes, public works of art and exhibitions.
I feel that this would be a really good and suitable opportunity for me to get my style and brand across to a large audience.
I also feel that I deserve this "crack of the whip"

Tuesday 16 August 2011

A definative set of shelves

Designed to fit into any library.
Designed to contain at some evidence as to what I have been making for the whole of my artistic career.
- In some sort of chronological order, but shelf by shelf, not from the top to the bottom.

It's basically a catalogue of what the ideas were and where they came from and then documentary evidence and images of the final thing. I similar task to the one I am performing on this blog site only more complete and finished as and when the stuff is placed upon the shelves. Whereas this could run and run!
If all were to go up in smoke at leastI would still have the germ of what it was.
To some extent:
What is more important: the finished article or the germ from whence it sprang?

On the floor
I plan to have two small chests on wheels - under 50cms wide and 40cms deep.
To hold C.D.s, Cassettes, some negs x photos x slides.

1st shelf
A line of large ring binders with contained work from around the world.

2nd shelf
It being important that it is at seat and eye level - - - a line of folders, that can be got at and opened easily.
Very much in chronological order and often containing stuff that got away, that didnt end up in more important areas ( like the lower ring binders )

3rd shelf

On a Cusp

A period of changes moment where not much is certain but stuff still seems to move on.

I'm in the middle of a couple of paintings at the studio, which I dont want to finish or even aim to be finishing until I have time to devote to just them..
Its a kind of step in one direction, take a step the other way. Aydins "A" level resuts come out in two days, I'm still waiting on the billboard thing, my workshop needs waterproofing, the computor is busted, so apart from useing the library computor, much of that line is closed to me.
Apart from that, they still havent chosen my picture for the "rollin" MAC summer show art thing.
Yes no what the hell.

Going back over that it seems a trifle depressing, but I do actually seem to be plodding onwithout it touching me too much. (is this a warning!?)
In the meantime, I'm bashing out a set of small collages which should turn out to be worth more than just a poke in the eye.

Monday 1 August 2011

The Spotted Dick

At the Sign of the Spotted Dick.

The Ship at Sea

Ten most common pub signs:
The Crown,
The Red Lion,
The Royal Oak,
The Swan,
The White Hart,
The Railway,
The Plough,
The White Horse,
The Bell,
The New Inn.
Some illustrations:

Pub signs are a curious cultural thing, they originated with Richard 2, when he passed a statute for all pubs to have signs, further information on this, I do not have.
Then of course, Cromwell came along and people ceased to socilise in that particular fashion.
Unsurprisingly, with the restoration and Charles 2, pubs became fashionable again.
A whole load of new pub signs came out - largely to do with heradic symbols and motifs, including older symbols like for instance: the White Horse.
Of course, as time has moved on, different symbols and designs have emerged. For instance: the Railway, the New Inn.
My feeling is that there must be scores of of possible new names for pubs to inherit which are close enough to the old ones:
The Trojan Horse,
The Phone Hacker,
The Whistle Blower,

The Whistle Blower

The Arab Spring,
The Workers Pension,
The Cheap Flight,
A Black Swan (dip).

Black Swan (something to do with going back into reccession I believe)

Victorian Pavillion

From a Pavilion in Barmouth,
From a week away staying in a caravan in Barmton Saturday 25th July.

Its the aged Victorian thing in places, in need of a coat of paint.
But skirting around it with lots of temporary colour.
Beautiful iron-work, circles and scrolls but very strong and unrepeatable - they've tried.
They've covered up the glass roof in the pavilion to give more atmosphere and they employ senior citizens to sing Elvis with tuneful gusto, very loud, with feeling but not feeling it.
The sea crashes against itself across the other side of the promenade as part of it bounces off the harbour wall.
But - what a studio
you could have people in to visit your work without even seeing them, whilst still working (or not)

Loads of pastel colours on the playgrounds mingling with rich Victorian glass mixtures, dark wood and grim stone, grey sea, harsh breeze.
One armed bandits, bold structural colours, holding the pretty baubles.

Amazed or Amused

John Russel,
from 30th June at East-Side Project.

That students have been taught that a good idea necessarily proceeds a good piece of work.
This does not necessarily follow.
That piece of work is capable of being a piece of shit - the same as any other piece of work.
              There is an option:
You can produce work of which you have no idea why it was done, where it is going or what purpose it serves.
Very often you have no idea what effect something is going to have until it is actually produced "

A lecture as good as I had hoped it would be.
However - the above I do agree with up to a certain extent as it it denies the "evidence led" doctrines so often in place in colleges at the moment.
I do tend to find that if I have a good idea the following statement does tend to come quickly, smoothly and easily.



My photo
In this brace of blogs, I am trying to sum up the artistic goals I am aiming for. Maybe, more for myself rather than other people although I would like others to read it. I intend to use the sites as places to which I invite people, I dont expecr an immediate rash of people keen to pore over my life. I see it as a kind of glorified C.V. that will probably never get finished.