Sunday 28 August 2011

Brought Over

This comprises of two posts brought over from "Loons" (23-8-11), the machine had inadvertently flipped the two sites over on my dashboard and I simply filled in the post on top as per normal. At present I simply want that to be the site that carries the current thought pattern and life history type of stuff, with he other one handling the details, concentrating on more specific and varied matters.

20 Strong Master Class

I don't think there is necessarily safety in numbers,
Especially if the numbers contain the same personage factors.
The outcome is likely to be a scramble towards the top where there is more light - climbing over bodies that get in the way, oblivious to their discomfort in order to succeed.

An image of ability dumped by the wayside, maybe because it wasn't great yet or maybe because it didn't have the killer instinct currently belonging to the English cricket team.
Totally surrounded by self doubt.

The other side of the coin is "The Ability"
Whilst still  possessing the same relative skill, being part of a comparatively small number of hopefuls who are in the position where they know they can actually progress by working together, building each other up as a team to come out with a complete unified entity.

A slower line toward perfection, but a surer safer one, with less damage on the way.

Possibly piano could be the strongest instrument, but does this necessarily mean you have to it it as your "guiding light"? to be ripped apart by the 5000 brilliant pianists already performing in this country? - When you can shine, learn and impress from just as valid a standpoint as a percussionist.

If you push piano into second place, it wont go away, there is always an instrument there to relax with, work out ideas on, perform with or even make money from.
I mean, how many accomplished xylophone players are there in this country?

I have been saying this since Aydin started to do orchestral percussion at the start of his secondary education.
In fact it was my instigation that put him on that path.
I write this (and time it) now as I feel he is just about to walk into a "big choice" scenario.

That Little Old M.A.

Colin, great to see you are or have done an M.A.
I did a part time one in B'ham exactly ten years ago, I loved it, although it did have a few hairy moments.
It was a real chance to shake the tree as it were, it freed me of a couple of inhibitions as it were - like mixing different media and stuff.
Having spent a lot of time abroad previously I was completely unaware of anything that was going down in the art world. Also my dip AD was nothing like the format that the BA was built around.

I was actually invigilating the show when they bombed the twin towers, it was surreal to put it mildly, almost as if that was a piece of work presented for the show.

Anyway, how come youve got pictures up of work for your MA now when it is due to be held in September. They do look like youve had fun doing the course, I do believe we have to keep at least a slightly humorous slant on life art and the whole meaning of existance.
When is the opening? we may just about be able to make it over to see it

1 comment:

Please feel free to say whatever you feel.
I would be more than happy if your comment turns into a longer statement than mine.
I feel it adds to the body of work and as yet you are one of a small nuber of people who read this anyway!



My photo
In this brace of blogs, I am trying to sum up the artistic goals I am aiming for. Maybe, more for myself rather than other people although I would like others to read it. I intend to use the sites as places to which I invite people, I dont expecr an immediate rash of people keen to pore over my life. I see it as a kind of glorified C.V. that will probably never get finished.