Tuesday 13 September 2011

Falling Out with People

I don't have your number to contact to you. I have be informed that you had painted over the sign message that I placed on the back door to my studio. That message is there because on several occasion that door has been left open. Please stay out of my space and I really don't know why your in my space? Please respect my privicy and not go in there. And is pissed off with people just wondering in there! I understand from Ted that the door is only to be used for an fire exit!if. Itks really you, I'm not
happy about you being in there and tampering with something that I've put up!

Martin Humphries
I havent painted over your door or sign and I dont go into your space and I dont tamper with anything in there. I would like to speak to whoever it was that told you that I did that, it is a flat and outright lie.
There has been coming and going up and down those stairs recently but none of it has been to do with me.
I actually havent been into the studio much over the past couple of months
I think Dene has finished his business now and also Chris has moved downstairs. So who ever has been going through your space oughtto have finished by now.
As far as I am concerned I do respect your privacy and I wouldnt dream
It's got cut off here

I really don’t like falling out with people, but - - -
What kind of set-up do you expect from a cheap studio situation?
Of course you are going to have to deal with other people, you are not on a first class ticket on a train, you are with the rest of us commuters.

You are acting like a school bully:
you can say what you like to people, but I’m sure you wouldn’t take anything back, even on learning that you had got it wrong and even up to the point where it started involving other people.
You could have asked me first, whether or not I had been “tampering” in your working area. Before accusing me, basically of vandalism.
What kind of trust has been built up between us over the past few years?  Obviously not the kind that I believed we were operating from.
Are you going to lock me out like you did with Dave from downstairs when you got paranoid and started to feel he was trying to get at you, or something similar?
That note you sent on”facebook” is unhinged; it actually makes me feel apprehensive about being your neighbour in the future – what is likely to happen next?
Its a bit like “everybody share my bad mood!”
Of course, somebody having left the backdoor open affects me as wellas everybody else.
If you feel like putting a notice on it saying “keep it shut”, I am not going to paint over it.
I don’t “tamper” with your studio, I never have.
But how much privacy do you expect in a place we pay very little for?
I am fed up with having one person acting as monitor for all of the studios, having the last word on what happens there.
There seems to be a bit like two sides to this:
You and the rest of the place.
I am fed up with these self centred notes that assume guilt and don’t take other peoples feelings into account.
What’s happened to  “live and let live”?
I would have had to have been very drunk to have sent your note and then I would have been mortified in the morning
Recently and seemingly the start of all this nonsense, I came into the studios to find that all my stuff had disappeared from the area in the middle. I was worried and a little upset, you were more concerned about the fact that the toilets were untidy.
Storming about in a bad mood, something you seemed to have laid on people since.
You seem to have blamed me for the confusion and ineptitude associated with the clear-out.
Sent to Coventry.
In my books, this is not a grown up way to deal with life.
You seem to have stayed on the same theme, I feel I have done nothing to deserve it and I’m fed up of having to continually asses my plans to fit around how things may upset you.

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In this brace of blogs, I am trying to sum up the artistic goals I am aiming for. Maybe, more for myself rather than other people although I would like others to read it. I intend to use the sites as places to which I invite people, I dont expecr an immediate rash of people keen to pore over my life. I see it as a kind of glorified C.V. that will probably never get finished.