Tuesday 20 September 2011

Return of the Mighty Quin

I had a dream the other night, about the starting up of a new venture, that was similar to other things that I have been involved in before, but seemed to underline what I really like to do, where I want to be in a team and how I would like to cooperate with other people.

The Mighty Quin Returned
We found a new site out in the near Black Country.
It was a large ex-scrap yard more than half of it was outside.
There were many brick walls that needed a certain amount of attention, and lots of old paint.
There was loads of space for murals, much of it higher than you could reach standing on a chair.

I put out a call on "turning point" asking for creative bods to come out and play.

I constructed a kind of storeroom / come office in a sunny place, built out of bric-a-brac, from around and about. It had a small brick chimney to house a small wood burning stove. We had a foraging team - there was a useful pile of stuff available for making things.
I built an adjoining seating area outside, it had its own slight roof, so it was in fact possible to sit outside in light rain around a bonfire.
The scrap building was called the Turret, it could be slept in with its stove and butane gas fired Baby Belling cooker, but with no electricity. At a push, it could seat four or five people and was used to meet up in to plan the bare bones of schemes and ideas.

There were a lot of people involved in the project, with quite a few things going on here and there. In fact, there was always something going on.
Helping to coordinate things could be a bit painful at times, but it was a perennial thing, the body amount of activity ebbed and flowed with the weather.

We had the odd residency, the odd show and event. At the start of September there was an open week with a makeshift bar and various happenings occurring around about - - - jugglers, sound event areas, light shows, even a puppet theatre.

It was basically an L shaped affair, with the old breaking yard forming a long arm of the letter - a kind of small drive and entrance. When empty, a bit like a small runway with of course an arch at the entrance.

pen and ink picture to follow.

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Please feel free to say whatever you feel.
I would be more than happy if your comment turns into a longer statement than mine.
I feel it adds to the body of work and as yet you are one of a small nuber of people who read this anyway!



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In this brace of blogs, I am trying to sum up the artistic goals I am aiming for. Maybe, more for myself rather than other people although I would like others to read it. I intend to use the sites as places to which I invite people, I dont expecr an immediate rash of people keen to pore over my life. I see it as a kind of glorified C.V. that will probably never get finished.