Monday 27 August 2012

Spot the sign

My previous (last) commitment and possibly the most important one since my 60th birthday.

I wanted to see one of the pub signs in situ, in public, maybe in a place where I could see some sort of reaction or even feedback. Also in a place where I could see one of the signs from a distance.
Importantly though, I wanted to show something in an arena where it would be welcomed by its "landlord". - In fact I had got to the stage where this was imperative after too many months of ifs, ands and maybes.

So the thing stood in the middle of an "event" at the Spotted Dog.

I didn't see the event, but Sean Tighe tells me that it was both accepted and rejected - which suits us both. Whatever, it was the possible starting point for "part-time interventions". Which leads me on to a "next".
A dog house, labelled "Spot" which follows on from the sign (fortunately). But also happens to be the type of thing that I have been aiming to make for a while - and also along the lines of things that I have been making since the age of eight - gang huts!
My initial idea was a simple dog house with a papier-mache "Spot", like "the Universal.

But the idea was mooted of a kennel big enough for small children. Which follows on to "what about big children" - but following that: the smallest space that a "big child" could  comfortably sit in to maybe escape blame and retribution. After all, it is a dog house. Importantly though - with embellishment, it is also a folly.
Very waterproof with a translucent roof for a shady light. Built on a step/slope with a little porch on it.
And - fitting into the sad walled area which could provide a stunning area for a view from the smoking area all twinkly on a winter night.

Friday 24 August 2012


A new site is born!

It directly follows on from Loons Encyclopedia in that it contains "articles" separate stories from different times that quite often I have decided to finish off and publish, having this availability to do so.

It was a break from the "om" (which as a blog site maybe getting overcrowded), a problem I seem to be starting to bump into at present.
So, as stated above, I'm going to try to keep "umphries" as a reasonably small thing or rather a series of reasonably small things, thinking that anything that actually gets big enough will be taken out and put onto its own site. Maybe it will end up as a bunch of things that may be one day, the germs of new sites.
Any way I am also about to start another new page under the name "The Gulhani Palace" which will contain the work I did whilst staying on a houseboat for three months back in 1983. And also contain a load of corresponding black and white photos, notes scribbles postcards and a couple of letters.

Thursday 23 August 2012

Whats Cooking?

Thyis is one of two pieces of writing I produced whilst doing a part time M.A. in Margaret Street Birmingham. Its based around some video stuff I did during a visit in December 99. I produced a lot of video still images in order to illustrate it
Unfortunately, this one wasnt accepted as part of my course work - it didnt "underpin my practise" & also didnt cut it on a couple of other issues. ( I had been painfully misdirected by a humanities proffessor)
Non the less I had enjoyed writing it and when I got over my wounded pride, enjoyed writing the next one, after all, I was on a part-time M.A. and was there to "experience and learn!"
I have only recently found most of the bits and feel greatfull for a chance to publish it / give it a second airing.

Saturday 11 August 2012

Spot the proof

Yes yes & added nutritional information for you.
The first link is to the hedge sign which I didnt give them enough time to accept or reject (silly me)!/photo.php?fbid=10151101399556424&set=a.10150476511301424.427236.707526423&type=3&theater

I think a (small) child sized kennel is a great idea!

A couple of my bird houses, they havent all survived - some where not fit enough to make it.

The throne room at the x-ray factory.

The Tree House in West Brom



My photo
In this brace of blogs, I am trying to sum up the artistic goals I am aiming for. Maybe, more for myself rather than other people although I would like others to read it. I intend to use the sites as places to which I invite people, I dont expecr an immediate rash of people keen to pore over my life. I see it as a kind of glorified C.V. that will probably never get finished.