Sunday 6 March 2011

Close the door,theyre coming through the window

It seems to be "shoot yourself in the foot" time again.
Our diplomatic naivety amazes and astounds me, not necessarily in that order.
Maybe we should just send a hundred landing craft in. (suicide landing craft that is)

With Tahrir Square I immediately saw the picture of all the people in the square as the image that people will associate with the event. 
With Libya, it seems to be these pick-up trucks with AC AC guns mounted on the back. Its like --- the real peoples army.
Funnily, I browsed around the news sites and couldnt find any images at all. I ended up getting my information from Somalia.

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In this brace of blogs, I am trying to sum up the artistic goals I am aiming for. Maybe, more for myself rather than other people although I would like others to read it. I intend to use the sites as places to which I invite people, I dont expecr an immediate rash of people keen to pore over my life. I see it as a kind of glorified C.V. that will probably never get finished.