Tuesday 26 April 2011

Cascading Epics

At Present, my painting is going very well. I’m actually getting a hit from painting. It’s a case of enjoying the "now-ness" of the process without worrying about where the picture is going to go. Just finishing the thing off whilst knowing it is going to end up somewhere positive.
Its a tall painting about the water mills just outside Bharmor. It’s a craft piece or whatever you call them. Something on the way to being a definitive statement in my life as a painter.
The whole thing definitely warrants a follow-on, (maybe two!) without too much justification needed.
One spin off is a kind of passage underneath a waterfall, which is kind of an elaborate doodle from 1998 and fits the flowing water thing very well – a trend which I don’t feel I am about to check. Its an image that certainly "got away" at the time. I was painting a lot about caves or that sort of feel and this is of cascading water over a shelf in a cave-like area.
I have a oil paint pad – cheap from Aldis which I am using my unused paint upon – also unused ideas!
It should provide a set of pretty fresh images – almost a show somewhere.
Another theme I am currently thinking about is epics. Only in miniature form. The aim is, that from a small image it is apparent that there is a big story involved. I plan to publish a gallery on face book of about a dozen of them shortly.
Some of these are collages, some ink.
I am also doing a fair bit of small scale collage work - a product of re-sorting through folios and files and finding piles of unused image fodder.
I have just recently put a gallery out of images of my studio which I aim to add to.
The link is:

As I write this, this painting has in fact advanced a lot further, although as yet, it is still unfinished!

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Please feel free to say whatever you feel.
I would be more than happy if your comment turns into a longer statement than mine.
I feel it adds to the body of work and as yet you are one of a small nuber of people who read this anyway!



My photo
In this brace of blogs, I am trying to sum up the artistic goals I am aiming for. Maybe, more for myself rather than other people although I would like others to read it. I intend to use the sites as places to which I invite people, I dont expecr an immediate rash of people keen to pore over my life. I see it as a kind of glorified C.V. that will probably never get finished.