Sunday 22 May 2011

Loon's Encyclopedia

Loon's Encyclopaedia for the absolute twit.
Is of an ongoing, personal and pretty well historical nature about my life and why I came out with some of the conclusions that I have done. Although it doesn’t attempt to pinpoint or explain them.
It is generalised - or at least tries to be and will be!
It doesn’t go into specific detail, it links chains of events up.
I need to take some pages out and maybe add a couple more.
A CURRENT page would fit as it is a chronological piece, would work with and beef up the daily blogs and in time become historical anyway.
-a process of explaining what is going to be before it happens.
Creating the encyclopaedic branch gives me a chance to cover certain important aspects in depth. Quite often parts of my history that got away.
A collection of views about issues, extended articles, songs, and theories.
Because it fits into the tree house intermittently in all aspects - it can be continually referenced.
Moving to Loon's Encyclopaedia:

Songs and poems that I have hit on at this moment as a collection. Even though they have influenced me in the past. Changing to "VERSES"
(Add "My Way" - the title. X "Clear Spot")
Not a finished presentation in any way, but the information I have from each verse with the idea of tightening it up later.
i.e. put everything out quickly as a base to work from later.
Creating in Loon's Encyclopaedia:KASHMIR
3 months on a house boat, check note books for a title.
Based around the set of large watercolours as a kind of show with back up material on each if possible - black and white photos and work from sketch books and letters.
There is a list of paintings - maybe scan it.
The book based around the air mail layout with extras from the fast and furious sheets, embellished with cutting written stuff, a couple of photos here and there and the odd painting if it fits - just to brighten it up!
The header could be me carrying the large Om painting.
There is a basic layout - problem is that it doesn’t go anywhere.
It needs breaking up with its associated contemporary work - art work I was producing at the time - characters and back ground landscapes.
The difficulty is getting the thing to fall into a chronological order - then adding the images and trying to remember what was in the lost Golly book.
A chance to group together all the gang huts I have ever built! Complete with designs.
Well maybe starting with Sue Macleods "wattle" photo anyway.
Starting with the essay and maybe just adding the M.A. show to it, with just the work that fits into the written stuff.
Maybe finishing with the first written work "Ne Yemmek?"
A chance to tell the story along with mug shots and coverage of the events and shows we held there.
Maybe do an album in face book , tagging the people involved and linking it up.
I wonder if I can spread the whole site out, all the different books and pages. The logos, photos, maps. Group by group.

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Please feel free to say whatever you feel.
I would be more than happy if your comment turns into a longer statement than mine.
I feel it adds to the body of work and as yet you are one of a small nuber of people who read this anyway!



My photo
In this brace of blogs, I am trying to sum up the artistic goals I am aiming for. Maybe, more for myself rather than other people although I would like others to read it. I intend to use the sites as places to which I invite people, I dont expecr an immediate rash of people keen to pore over my life. I see it as a kind of glorified C.V. that will probably never get finished.